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We are a community bound by Christian values of love, mercy, and compassion. At the core of our fraternal life is prayer, the essential dialogue between us as God's divine creation and our Creator. This sacred conversation sustains and nourishes us, fostering our spiritual growth. By centering our lives on prayer, we commit to deepening our spiritual development and living according to vows dedicated to the Church and God. We aim to lead lives that are healthier, holier, and more morally grounded.

What is Ecumenical Catholicism?

Ecumenism at its core is the belief that all are welcome to the Lord's table to participate in the sacraments, regardless of who they are, what they look like, who they love, or where they come from. Being Ecumenical Catholics means striving towards unity among all Christians, and opening our doors to the world. To be ecumenical is to welcome the stranger as if they are Christ Himself. To be ecumenical is to oppose divisive or alienating behavior among ourselves.  To be ecumenical is to follow our informed conscience in living an authentic, genuine, and holy life. 

A Spirituality for Every Hour 

"Could you not watch one hour with me?" -Matt. 26:40


The brothers live out their vows with full dedication and purpose. While the daily routine of a brother might seem straightforward, the spirituality behind this way of life runs much deeper. This profound spiritual commitment comes from the belief that taking vows to the Church means living not for ourselves, but for others. It is the divinely made people of God who inspire us to live out these vows every day. We embrace simplicity to serve others better, pursue purity of intent to love more perfectly and demonstrate fidelity to live authentically.

Our Ministries

As Franciscans, we have a special calling to reach out to those on the margins, extending love and support in many ways. We serve the people of God by offering Mass in assisted living facilities, bringing comfort to the elderly. We minister in hospitals, visiting the sick and anointing them with care. We visit the imprisoned, offering hope and reassurance for a better future. We console those experiencing grief and loss, providing a comforting presence. We also offer spiritual guidance and life coaching to help those discerning their next steps. As Catholics, we warmly welcome all who come to our doors and extend our hands to those in need.




Sometimes, we hear the saying, "Less is more," and often, we find this to be true. The Friars live this vow by placing their own needs last and considering the needs of others first. Our spirituality grows stronger when we choose to live for others rather than for our own desires. Each day, we consciously say, "No, I have enough." In a materialistic society like ours, it’s essential to set aside anything that distracts us from God.


In a world that often seems hedonistic, it is our duty as Christians to live lives that are pure and pleasing to God. How do we achieve this? We must strive to love others as we love ourselves, just as Jesus loved His flock. Following our Savior's example of purity, we commit to living moral lives, free from vices and unhealthy excesses.


As a religious community, we elect and trust a Guardian to lead our order. In the spirit of Christian charity, we should remain open and responsive to anything our superiors ask of us. Even more importantly, we should be open to the requests of others, especially those within our religious community. Loyalty and fidelity to our mission is a call every Christian receives by virtue of their baptism.

"A Day in the Life"

While there is no typical day for a friar, most of us follow similar routines. Each brother is responsible for supporting himself. So, many of us work secular jobs while living out our vows to the community. However, some brothers support themselves through ministry, such as serving as chaplains, where they are compensated for their services. Regardless of our work, every day begins and ends the same way: with prayer. We start the day with morning prayer, seeking direction for the tasks God has set before us, and we end the day with evening prayer, bringing peace to our minds before we rest.

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