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The Franciscan Parish of the Resurrection


2750 E Atlantic Blvd. Pompano Beach, FL 33062


"The Franciscan Parish of the Resurrection is a loving, welcoming and inclusive Catholic community that serves all without regard to relationship status, sexual orientation, or spiritual background.  The community offers the opportunity to experience the love and compassion of God in the Catholic sacramental tradition by sharing at the Lord's table where all are welcome."


Franciscan Ecumenical Catholic Churches


Mass is held every Saturday at 5:00 PM and every Sunday at 10:30 AM. We deeply appreciate everyone who comes through our doors and overjoyed to share this time with you!


Look below for upcoming special Masses and events! 



To put it simply, the Mass can be summed up as 4 things...


Since the time of Christ, Christians around the world have gathered together to worship God. Jesus gave us the sacrament of the Eucharist when he broke bread with his disciples at the Last Supper. Likewise, we too celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist as the highest form of praise and worship we can offer to God.


Holy Communion is the Body and Blood of Christ that we receive as believers, but it represents so much more. It connects us to the Church, the universal Body of Christ, and signifies our membership in this spiritual family. When a community gathers in Christ's name, we share in a bond of faith that unites us as family. Regardless of who you are, where you're from, your past, or how you identify, Christ invites you to join in this sacrament and community.


The Mystery of Faith, or Mysterium fidei, is the central foundation of the celebration of the Eucharist. Through this sacrament, we offer the gifts of bread and wine, they become the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. For Catholics, the exact process of this transformation is a profound mystery and a gift of God's grace. This reminds us that while we worship, the choirs of angels in heaven are also rejoicing in the mystery of the Mass.


The term "Liturgy," derived from the ancient Greek word Leitourgía, means "the work of the people." This work is a labor of love and the Mass, in its essence, is the greatest love story ever told. God, wanting us to know Him intimately, sent His only Son to die for our sins. Through this sacrifice, Jesus gave us the gift of eternal communion with Him. Imagine a love so profound that God does not want to be apart from us for even an instant. Each time we celebrate the Eucharist as a community, we are reminded of this incomprehensible and boundless love.

Mass Schedule

Saturday, 5:00PM
Sunday, 10:30AM


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